My Recommendations For Entity Framework Literature

June 17, 2013 — 8 Comments

unicornIn 2010 I bought a Kindle and it changed my life! Since then I’ve been catching up on books I should have read years ago. Back then, reading technical books meant carrying bulky/ heavy printed books in my bag. The day I got my first kindle, is the day I started reading again!

Since then, I read quite a few books! Below are some of the books that helped me love and master Entity Framework!

Before you go through this list of books, I have to admit that I have a huge preference for Entity Framework Code First (aka. Magic Unicorn) because I find it easy to work with. It is easier to maintain, to evolve and it allows you to use true Plain Old CLR Objects (POCOs). If you have any suggestions for good Entity Framework, please share them through this post’s comments.

Programming Entity Framework

This is the First book I read about Entity Framework. It’s HUGE and It’s packed with tons of information!  Even though this book is based off an earlier version of Entity Framework, the concepts and information still apply because the DbContext uses the ObjectContext. Understanding these concepts can help you understand how Entity Framework reacts.

Programming Entity Framework: Code First

Understanding Entity Framework Code First opens many possibilities. I usually use Code First in all my projects because it allows me to rid my self of the EDMX. It’s usually hard to maintain and often requires us to go play with its XML representation. I personally find Entity Framework Code First to be simpler to maintain and evolve. I strongly recommend taking the time to read up on this flavor of Entity Framework. 

Programming Entity Framework: DbContext

Understanding the DbContext is crucial when working with Entity Framework Code First. This book is short but packed with useful information. Understanding the different between eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading makes a world of difference. Furthermore, this book covers topics like change tracking and validation, together they allowing you to take full advantage of Entity Framework Code First.

Entity Framework 4.0 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

This book contains a great deal of good advice! If you are familiar with Entity Framework, I strongly recommend starting with this book. It contains a chapter about performance which I found to be of great value! This book can be read by topic of interest and is a great reference.

Entity Framework 4.1: Expert’s Cookbook

This book has a few good ideas. I came up with ModelQueies and ModelCommands while reading this book. Since then I’ve been using this concept throughout my projects.

8 responses to My Recommendations For Entity Framework Literature


    Hey Alexandre, I’m new to Entity Framework and I want to learn it not piddle. So in which order do you suggest to read these books?



    Hi Alexandre,
    As I’m new to entity framework just like Kumar, I wonder how much time does it take me to read a huge book like programming entity framework?



      Hi Mohammad, I did, on my commute to and from work. I’d recommend reading Programming Entity Framework: Code First and Programming Entity Framework: DbContext. Both are short and will provide you with strong understanding.



    Hey Alexandream curious – did you really read all 4-5 books? Am curious where you got the time to read all of that hahaha – i think i might get the code first book according to your recommnedation. wish me luck!


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