7 responses to Scaling an FTP Ingestion Service Using #Azure Traffic Manager


    Hi there. Really great post! I find that there’s lots of information on geo replicating web apps, VMs etc. but very little on Azure storage, SQL etc.

    Given that the file uploaded via FTP still has to make the trip to the central storage account, did you find much improvement in speed compared to just uploading directly to storage from the various traffic-managed VMs? My feeling is that this would be a costly solution (even for small VMs) and that there world not be much of a speed improvement in getting the file to its final destination.



      Hi, great question. The post was written with the FTP protocol in mind. I absolutely agree that working directly with Azure storage is best for reasonably sized documents. If we are talking about volumes of data, then it may be time to look at more specialized services and solutions. Working with this FTP scenario, having an FTP server close to the uploader was key because of delays. The secondary data movement was not as important in terms of speed. Bringing data into Azure was the key to success even if the primary storage account was inaccessible. Managing application level replication is also possible where data could be replicated in each region instead of having a central copy. Cost is definitely something o have on the radar and will impact your final architectural choices.



    Also, what kind of criteria have you set for scaling?



      At the time of writing this post, I had not done any work around scalability. I was mostly relying on the fact that I had instances in multiple geolocations. This would definitely be something to explore in the future.



    Given that the file uploaded via FTP still has to make the trip to the central storage account, did you find much improvement in speed compared to just uploading directly to storage from the various traffic-managed VMs? My feeling is that this would be a costly solution (even for small VMs) and that there world not be much of a speed improvement in getting the file to its final destination.



    Azure now have an FTP VM in the marketplace that fully setups FileZilla FTP Server and configures the required ports to allow external access to your public IP https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-gb/marketplace/apps/cloud-infrastructure-services.filezilla-ftp-server

    Setup instructions: https://cloudinfrastructureservices.co.uk/install-filezilla-secure-ftp-server-on-azure-server-2016/


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  1. Dew Drop – March 11, 2015 (#1972) | Morning Dew - March 11, 2015

    […] Scaling an FTP Ingestion Service Using #Azure Traffic Manager (Alexandre Brisebois) […]


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