Migrate a Storage Account to ARM

If you’ve been working with Azure for a while, you may have some of your Azure Storage Accounts deployed on the Classic deployment model (ASM). To simplify the deployment and management of resources, Microsoft recommends that we use Azure Resource Manager (ARM) for new resources. If possible, it’s also recommended that we redeploy existing resources through Azure Resource Manager (ARM), because the two models are not completely compatible with each other.

Fortunately, moving resources like Azure Storage is possible through PowerShell. Use
the Move-AzureStorageAccount cmdlet to prepare, migrate and to validate that the migrated Azure Storage Account is moved successfully to a resource group in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM).

Validates the Azure Storage Account for migration.

Move-AzureStorageAccount -Validate `
                         -StorageAccountName "ContosoStorageName"

Prepare the Azure Storage Account for migration.

Move-AzureStorageAccount -Prepare `
                         -StorageAccountName "ContosoStorageName"

Kick-off the migration.

Move-AzureStorageAccount -Commit `
                         -StorageAccountName "ContosoStorageName"

Source: Move-AzureStorageAccount

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  1. ASM i ARM Storage Accounts | 100 słów z Azurów - January 14, 2017

    […] Jedna z tych rzeczy to „stare” (tzw. Classic) i „nowe” Storage Accounts. Jasna cholera mnie bierze, że te konta są w dwóch „zakładkach” i stare nie mają po prostu przycisku „Migrate”. Może za mało wiem o tym co tam się z tyłu dzieje, ale to jest okropnie upierdliwe. Na szczęście jest mądry człowiek prowadzący bloga, który opisał jak to zrobić. Starczy podobno starczy trochę pomachać PowerShellem, o tak. […]


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